
What I Do

I hold a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential from the International Coaching Federation. This coaching credential enables me to provide professional coaching services to individuals or groups in any location or setting. I offer brief and long-term coaching services to individuals in person, via phone, or online. I have maintained a successful coaching business for 20 years.

As defined by the International Coaching Federation, coaching is skillful “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” I support you as you identify and implement the changes you desire for yourself. The options are endless. You determine the focus of coaching. I assist you in discovering what works for you, and in implementing the changes you seek. I value and frequently employ my intuitive skills, and I encourage my clients to do the same.


Services Offered

Holistic Life Coaching

My approach is holistic. This means I consider multiple perspectives. I view you as an integrated and perfect whole – body, mind, and spirit. I listen carefully, I ask questions, and I share observations to uncover barriers, discover patterns, and determine ways to move forward towards your desired goal(s). I employ a uniquely curated set of professional skills developed from my personal and professional experiences to assist you to get where you want to be.

My office is in a lovely, peaceful, and private setting in the North Valley of Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA in the Village of Los Ranchos.

Workshops & Classes

I am available to offer small group coaching sessions and webinars/workshops in the areas of coaching and holistic health promotion.

Systemic Constellations

I have completed over 3 years of training as a Systemic Constellation Facilitator, and I continue to participate in ongoing training.

Systemic Constellations is a relatively new and unique approach to promoting well-being that incorporates an awareness of the human soul and the field of knowing – an often unrecognized or discounted source of information available to all. Systemic constellation practitioners have adopted or developed several methodologies for accessing this field. Different philosophical traditions, schools of psychotherapy, and indigenous ancestral world views have contributed to the development of constellation work, and new approaches are continually emerging and being developed.

Public Speaking and Media Interviews

I am available for speaking engagements and interviews about holistic coaching. Recent events include:

Radio interview: Close Up Radio Spotlights Darlene R. Hess of DRH Coaching

Keynote speaker: Texas Regional 10th Annual Holistic Nursing Retreat



Fees & Hours

To request more information regarding fees and scheduling, please contact 505-228-8553 or email

An initial complimentary phone consultation is available to determine if services are compatible with your needs and expectations.